Ronald McDonald House Collections

In November and December, Glen Oaks students and staff collected items for the Ronald McDonald House in Oak Lawn.  We collected 3,255 items and Ms. Vittorio loaded up her van and dropped everything off before Winter Break!

The classes who collected the most items won a small prize.  The winning classes were:

2D- Mrs. McCormick’s class

3C- Ms. Odeh’s class

4E- Mr. Christopher’s class

5B- Ms. Vittorio’s class

Each class also collected pop tabs and the classes who collected the most were:

2F- Miss Mock’s class

3F- Mrs. Jankiewicz’s class

4A- Mrs. Hammad’s class 

5B- Ms. Vittorio’s class


Thank you SO MUCH to all of the families and staff who donated to this wonderful charity!  Thank you to our Glen Oaks Student Council and Ms. Vittorio for running this event!